Supplier Quality

This Online Supplier Quality Section describes how, working with our suppliers, we will provide best-in-class products and services to our customers, worldwide.

Our strategy for achieving this goal centers around our key suppliers-suppliers whose products and services rank high in terms if their "criticality" to business success. Our strategy involves the development of relationships (partner and alliance) with these suppliers, to maximize value by leveraging both the supplier's and Littelfuse's capabilities and expertise. These suppliers are integrated into the design and development process, providing new opportunities and increasing our success through the:

  • Design of products/services to meet customer requirements
  • Identification of the components/raw materials that best meet the customers' requirements in terms of quality, cost and availability
  • Maximization of results through continuous improvement and the use of metrics

By partnering with these suppliers, we can consistently produce and deliver high quality, high value products and services in a cost effective manner.

As one of our valued suppliers, we are providing this copy of our Supplier Quality Manual. It is a reference designed to support the development of mutually beneficial relationships by:

  • Clearly communicating our expectations for both you and for Littelfuse
  • Providing resources to assist you in fulfilling your responsibilities
  • Describing measurements used to evaluate your performance and drive continuous improvement


Littelfuse Supplier Terms and Conditions



Supplier Quality Manual - English



Supplier Quality Manual - Chinese



Supplier Quality Manual - Spanish
