California’s Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (known as “Prop 65”), seeks to ensure that individuals in California are informed about exposure to chemicals known by the State to cause cancer and/or reproductive harm. To comply, businesses are required to provide a clear and reasonable warning before exposing anyone to a listed chemical. In late 2016, the State of California amended the warning language and methods that are deemed “clear and reasonable” under the statute (i.e., that provide a “safe harbor” from enforcement). These amendments become effective on August 30, 2018.
To comply with Proposition 65, Littelfuse has determined that some products may result in exposure to a Proposition 65 chemical. Such products sold, distributed or otherwise transferred into California shall carry a clear and reasonable warning either via Littelfuse directly or our distributor or retail partners.
To learn more about Prop 65, visit
Impacted Littelfuse Products
List of Littelfuse Impacted Products
(This parts list is periodically updated. Please check back for updates.)
Letter of Notice
Download Signs for Display by Material
The files below contain the long format warning for the chemical shown. The PowerPoint file in each link has the warning in an editable and picture format, so you can easily resize or reprint. If you would like for Littelfuse to supply signs for in-store display, please contact us at to discuss your requirements.

Nickel and 1,3,5-Triglycidyl-s-triazinetrione