
Ground Fault Videos

Browse our library of videos to learn about ground faults and how stay protected from its damaging power.

NGR SE-330 Demo

Watch a Littelfuse expert explain the capabilities of our combination neutral grounding resistor and ground fault monitor, as well as why an NGR solves electrical safety issues such as arc flashes.

5 Steps to Improve Electrical Safety in Mining Operations

Learn how Littelfuse components can safeguard people and equipment in at mines, on rigs, along pipelines, and at refineries. Our electrical safety solutions include arc flash relays, ground fault protection relays, neutral grounding resistors and NGR monitors, and motor and pump protection relays.

Littelfuse EL731 Demo Video

Learn why this earth leakage relay outperforms a neutral grounding resistor (NGR) monitor when it comes to protecting variable frequency drive motors in resistance-grounded systems against ground faults.

How the Littelfuse EL731 AC_DC Earth-Leakage Relay Protects Variable Frequency Drives

Unique features of this Littelfuse earth leakage relay include settings from 0 HZ to 6 kHz; password-protected controls, and an ethernet card slot to enable remote operation and monitoring via an app.

How to Protect Your Facility with the Littelfuse Industrial Shock-Block Video

Get a quick glimpse of our SB-6000 Industrial Shock Block GFCI, which Littelfuse designed specifically to bolster worker safety.

Littelfuse Industrial Relays Distributor Counter

Introduce yourself to Littelfuse trailing cable protection equipment, voltage monitors, neutral grounding resistors and ground fault monitors, and motor, pump, and feeder protection relays.

Littelfuse Industrial Shock-Block Now with CSA and expanded Trip Levels

Ensure ground fault and overcurrent protection in wet environments by using a UL 943C-compliant SB-6000 Industrial Shock Block GFCI device. We also supply this ground fault circuit interrupter configured as an equipment ground fault protection device (EGFPD).