223 Series - 5x20mm Time Lag Surge Withstand Axial Leaded Glass Body Fuse Designed to IEC Specification

Series: 223
Obsolete: 2003 -06-05 Replaced By: 213 Series
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Littelfuse products are not designed for, and shall not be used for, any purpose (including, without limitation, automotive, military, aerospace, medical, life-saving, life-sustaining or nuclear facility applications, devices intended for surgical implant into the body, or any other application in which the failure or lack of desired operation of the product may result in personal injury, death, or property damage) other than those expressly set forth in applicable Littelfuse product documentation. Warranties granted by Littelfuse shall be deemed void for products used for any purpose not expressly set forth in applicable Littelfuse documentation. Littelfuse shall not be liable for any claims or damages arising out of products used in applications not expressly intended by Littelfuse as set forth in applicable Littelfuse documentation. The sale and use of Littelfuse products is subject to Littelfuse Terms and Conditions of Sale, unless otherwise agreed by Littelfuse. "Littelfuse" includes Littelfuse, Inc., and all of its affiliate entities.

Replace with 213XE Series equivalent.


  • Designed to International (IEC) Standards for use globally.
  • Meets the IEC 60127-2, Sheet 3 specification for Time Lag Fuses.
  • Available in Cartridge and Axial Lead Form.
  • Available in ratings of 0.032 to 10 amperes

Access specifications, certifications, check availability and order parts below

Catalog #VAC (V)Nominal Melting I2T (A2sec)Resistance
OpeningOperating TemperatureCompare
Obsolete: 2003 -06-05
Replaced By: 0213.200
2500.351.600000024Slo-Blo/Time Lag (T)/Time Delay-55° to 125°C
Obsolete: 2003 -06-05
Replaced By: 0213.250
2500.5551.049999952Slo-Blo/Time Lag (T)/Time Delay-55° to 125°C
Obsolete: 2003 -06-05
Replaced By: 0213.315
2501.140.84799999Slo-Blo/Time Lag (T)/Time Delay-55° to 125°C
Obsolete: 2003 -06-05
Replaced By: 0213.400
2501.350.535000026Slo-Blo/Time Lag (T)/Time Delay-55° to 125°C
Obsolete: 2003 -06-05
Replaced By: 0213.500
2502.90.370000005Slo-Blo/Time Lag (T)/Time Delay-55° to 125°C
Obsolete: 2003 -06-05
Replaced By: 0213.630
2504.80.275000006Slo-Blo/Time Lag (T)/Time Delay-55° to 125°C
Obsolete: 2003 -06-05
Replaced By: 0213.800
2509.420.165000007Slo-Blo/Time Lag (T)/Time Delay-55° to 125°C
Obsolete: 2003 -06-05
Replaced By: 0213001.
25019.2000010.116999999Slo-Blo/Time Lag (T)/Time Delay-55° to 125°C
Obsolete: 2003 -06-05
Replaced By: 0213002.
25092.6999970.044Slo-Blo/Time Lag (T)/Time Delay-55° to 125°C
Obsolete: 2003 -06-05
Replaced By: 0213004.
2502020.017000001Slo-Blo/Time Lag (T)/Time Delay-55° to 125°C
Obsolete: 2003 -06-05
Replaced By: 0213005.
2503140.011Slo-Blo/Time Lag (T)/Time Delay-55° to 125°C
Obsolete: 2003 -06-05
Replaced By: 021301.6
25044.2000010.055Slo-Blo/Time Lag (T)/Time Delay-55° to 125°C
Obsolete: 2003 -06-05
Replaced By: 021302.5
2501380.029999999Slo-Blo/Time Lag (T)/Time Delay-55° to 125°C
Obsolete: 2003 -06-05
Replaced By: 021306.3
2506000.008Slo-Blo/Time Lag (T)/Time Delay-55° to 125°C
Obsolete: 2003 -06-05
Replaced By: 02131.25
25027.150.081Slo-Blo/Time Lag (T)/Time Delay-55° to 125°C
Obsolete: 2003 -06-05
Replaced By: 02133.15
250226.50.022Slo-Blo/Time Lag (T)/Time Delay-55° to 125°C
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